Benieuwd naar de steeds populairder wordende discipline aerial straps? In deze workshop maak je kennis met de basis van deze indrukwekkende luchtkunst. We behandelen de fundamentele posities op straps en duiken in technieken zoals beats en spinning (zwiepjes en draaien). De technieken die je leert, zijn niet alleen essentieel voor straps, maar kunnen ook worden toegepast op alle andere aerial disciplines. Dit maakt deze workshop een waardevolle toevoeging aan je training. Of je nu nieuw bent in straps of je luchtacrobatiek-vaardigheden wilt uitbreiden, deze workshop biedt de perfecte introductie tot de kracht en elegantie van straps!
Curious about the increasingly popular discipline of aerial straps? In this workshop, you’ll explore the fundamentals of this stunning aerial art. We’ll cover the basic positions on straps and dive into techniques like beats and spinning. The techniques you’ll learn are not only essential for straps but can also be applied to all other aerial disciplines, making this workshop a valuable addition to your training. Whether you’re new to straps or looking to expand your aerial skills, this workshop is the perfect introduction to the strength and elegance of straps!

Introducing: Marleijn Spekking
Marleijn is an accomplished aerialist with a specialization in both rope and straps. Her journey into the world of aerial arts began at the age of 23, under the guidance of esteemed coaches Alexia Rajoy, an Argentine aerialist specializing in rope, and Oskar Mauricio, a renowned straps specialist.
At 25, Marleijn was accepted into INAC, the National Institute of Circus Arts in Portugal, where she pursued rope as her primary discipline and successfully completed the first year of the professional course. Eager to expand her expertise, she continued her training at CREAT in Spain, this time focusing on straps.
With years of dedicated practice and training, Marleijn has developed a unique style that blends strength, grace, and dynamic movement. Marleijn continues to push the boundaries of her art, captivating audiences with her powerful performances.
- 29 december, 13.00 - 16.00
- 75 euros
- All levels, given you have some experience with aerials or other sports.
- sign up via or instagram @marleijnspekje